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Sign and Submit

Read the following information carefully before dating, electronically signing and submitting the application.

Your application is now ready to be submitted. Please note that this does not necessarily mean that your application for a nonimmigrant visa is complete, as additional information may be needed after Department of State personnel have reviewed the application.

By clicking “Sign and Submit Application” you are electronically signing the application. You are required to electronically sign your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by regulation, even if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself. Your electronic signature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. The submission of an application containing any false or misleading statements may result in the permanent refusal of a visa or the denial of entry into the United States. All declarations made in this application are unsworn declarations made under penalty of perjury. (28 U.S.C. 1746).

Additionally, by clicking “Sign and Submit Application” you are certifying that you understand that you are required to submit your visa to the United States Immigration Officer at the port where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession of the visa does not entitle you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to be inadmissible under U.S. immigration laws. You are certifying that you understand that any willfully false or misleading statement or willful concealment of a material fact made by you within the application may subject you to permanent exclusion from the United States and, if you are admitted to the United States, may subject you to criminal prosecution and/or deportation.

Some visa applicants are required to undergo a medical examination with an authorized physician to assess visa eligibility consistent with INA Sections 212(a) and 221(d), and will be notified of the requirement. If you are notified and required to undergo a medical examination, failure to provide required information may cause delay or denial of your visa application. If required to undergo a medical examination, your medical examination information may be collected and temporarily stored in the eMedical system hosted, operated, and maintained by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. If your medical examination is collected in eMedical, you will be requested to provide consent to its collection and temporary storage in such system, and being transferred to the U.S. Government for the purposes of enabling the U.S. Department of State to determine your medical eligibility and for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to undertake public health functions under the Public Health Service Act Section 325 and INA Section 212(a).

The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted with your application may be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or other lawful authority to use such information, including for law enforcement and immigration law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your application process, they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other fingerprints in the FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) fingerprint system or its successor systems (including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories). If you wish to correct a record as it appears in the FBI’s CJIS Division Records System, you should follow procedures to change, correct, or update a record that are set forth in Title 28, CFR, Section 16.34. The photograph that you provide with your application may be used for employment verification or other U.S. law purposes.

Once you have clicked “Sign and Submit Application” you will be unable to make changes. Electronically sign by clicking the button below after you have reviewed the information in your application and determined that it is correct. After signing the application, click “Next” to continue with the application.

Скачайте опросник на русском языке для оформления визы: в формате doc / в формате pdf / в формате docx.

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