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Письма об отказах (виза в Великобританию)

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ВАЖНО В данном разделе представлены выдержки из писем об отказах в британских визах заявителей, которые обращались в Посольство Великобритании самостоятельно. Рекомендуем внимательно изучить данную информацию, чтобы понять логику принятия решений визовых офицеров. Также вы найдете полезными следующие разделы нашего информационного ресурса: «Причины отказа в визе в Великобританию» и «Особенности визы в Великобританию».

The Decision

Your application for a visit visa to the United Kingdom has been refused. Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change. In relation to this decision, there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

In your application, you stated that you have never previously travelled to the UK and have never been refused or otherwise required to leave any country including the UK. However, Home Office records show that your visa which was issued on 11 November 2015 until 11 May 2016 was revoked on 14 December 2014 at Moscow and you was denied boarding by BA on your flight on 10 December 2014, when you had submitted passport *********. Your application does not contain passport *********. I am satisfied to a higher degree of probability that you have made false representations with regard to your previous application and that your application should therefore be refused under paragraph V3.6 of Appendix V of the Immigration Rules.

You should note that because this application for entry clearance has been refused under paragraph V3.6 of the Immigration Rules, any future applications may also be refused for the same reason, under paragraph 320 (7B) of the Immigration Rules or paragraph V3.7 of Appendix V of the Immigration Rules.

A refusal under paragraph V3.7 of the Immigration Rules may attract an automatic refusal period of up to 10 years. The period starts from the date of the previous event in which the deception or submission of falsified documents or information was employed.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 – V4.10 of Appendix V: Immigration Rules for visitors because

You have applied for a visa to visit the UK for 1 week’s tourism. You state you are self-employed with a monthly income of RUR 100000 (£1216) and that your holiday will cost you £620. However, an open source check has shown that your reservation at the Lord Jim Hotel was cancelled because the credit card used was invalid. This casts doubt on your stated circumstances, and on the reason for your visit.

I have considered the information and documentation submitted in your application; and for the above reason I am not satisfied that you have accurately presented your circumstances or intentions in wishing to enter the United Kingdom. This means that I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor or that you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of your proposed visit; or that you have access to sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to your visit without working or accessing public funds (this includes, but is not exclusively, the cost of the return or onward journey, any costs relating to dependants, and the cost of planned activities such as private medical treatment) Paragraph V 4.2 (a) (c) (e) of the Immigration Rules.

The Decision

I have used all the information provided by you to determine if the requirements of the Immigration Act have been met. In reaching my decision, which has been made on the balance of probabilities, I note the following points:

You state that you previously travelled to the UK to study in December 2017 for 12 days. Your passport confirms that you arrived in the UK on 28/12/2017, and I note that your visa was valid till 07/01/2018. However you have not shown why you remained in the UK beyond the validity of your visa, or that the purpose of your visit was for studies.

You state that your grandmother will pay £1000 for your visit. You have provided a letter of support from your grandmother and a letter from her bank stating that she hold funds equivalent to more than $20,000. However you have not shown her income or circumstances in Russia, or the source of the stated funds. I am therefore not satisfied that the funds are under her sole control and available for your use.

You state that you are a student. You have provided an untranslated document in support of your application. I am unable to assess its value as evidence of your circumstances. I am therefore not satisfied that your circumstances in Russia are as stated.

In view of the above, I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a short-term student and intend to leave the UK at the end of your studies. I am also not satisfied that you will be maintained and accommodated adequately, or that you have enough funds to meet the cost of your return journey from the UK. A57C (vi) (vii) and (ix), A57D(b)

I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all of the requirements of the relevant Paragraph of the United Kingdom Immigration Rules. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 Appendix V: Immigration Rules for Visitors because:

You have stated that you wish to visit the UK for 1 month and 3 days.

You have stated that you are employed by ***** Tattoo Studio earning 38000 RUR (£481) per month. The documents you have provided do not demonstrate that you are employed as stated.

You have provided a bank letter that states you have a bank balance of 129143 RUR on 20.01.2018 (£1634). The documents you have provided do not demonstrate the source of these funds.

You have stated that you spend 25000 RUR (£316) each month on living costs. The documents you have provided do not demonstrate any source of income that enables you to make this expenditure or accrue the balance in your bank account. I am therefore not satisfied that these funds are genuinely available to you.

Given the above I am not satisfied that the documents you have provided demonstrate your financial circumstances in Russia. I am therefore not satisfied that you are a genuine visitor for the limited period as stated by you.

I am therefore not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph V4.2(a)(c) of appendix V of the Immigration Rules. Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) A57C of the Immigration Rules for Visitors because:

You were refused entry clearance for using deception on 06/02/2015 because you submitted a forged employment letter and bank letter (Moscow/*****). You have not satisfactorily addressed this. This means that your current application falls to be refused under 320(7B) of the Immigration Rules and in line with this, this and future applications will also refused until:

12 months from date applicant left the UK if departure NOT at public expense

2 years from the date applicant left voluntarily at public expense within 6 months of receiving liability for removal or when they no longer had a pending appeal or administrative review, whichever is later

5 years from the date applicant left voluntarily at public expense more than 6 months after receiving liability for removal or they no longer had a pending appeal or admin review

5 years from the date applicant left or was removed from the UK as a condition of a conditional caution prohibiting their return under section 22 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003

10 years from the date applicant was removed from the UK at public expense

10 years from the date applicant used deception in an application for entry clearance (including visit visa).

Therefore I am satisfied that your application falls for refusal under general grounds and as such I have refused your application under paragraph A57C (a) of the Immigration Rules.

Therefore, any further applications will be subject to the automatic refusal period until 06/02/2025. Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 - V4.10 of Appendix V of the Immigration Rules because:

In order to assess your intentions I must consider your circumstances based on the information you have provided with your application. You state you intend to travel to the UK for 9 days tourism. I have recognised the importance of these types of visits and have carefully considered your application. I have considered the evidence provided and written statements you have made.

You have stated that you earn a monthly salary of AED 5000 (£1,010.98). You have submitted a bank statement from NBD. I am not satisfied that your salary is reflected in this bank statement. This leads me to question the accuracy with which you have presented your personal financial circumstances.

I also note that there are a number of unsubstantiated deposits credited to your account. For example 27/04/2018 a deposit of AED 3,700 (£748.126) was credited to your account. You have also stated that you do not have any additional income. The documents you have submitted do not demonstrate the origins of these deposits.

I also note that you state you spend £0 each month on living costs. However the balance of your account frequently falls below £10, for example on 07/05/2018 the balance of your account was AED 3.58 (£0.72) and on 22/04/2018 the balance of your account was AED 3.33 (£0.67). Therefore I am not satisfied that your financial circumstances are as you have set out or that the balance indicated by your bank statement is an accurate reflection of your usual financial position. This undermines the credibility of your application as a whole. I am also not satisfied that you have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to your visit.

I note from the information / documents provided, you have not shown that you have, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong family, social or economic ties to satisfy me that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit. I have taken into account that you have declared you are divorced with 1 dependant. I note you have not substantiated any personal savings, properties or income; I also note you say your child lives in Russia; however you have not demonstrated any family ties outside of the UK. Therefore, I am not satisfied that you have substantial ties outside of the UK to ensure you will leave at the end of your proposed visit. This further undermines the credibility of your application.

Given the above I am not satisfied that you are a genuine visitor and that you will leave the UK at the end of your visit. I am also not satisfied that you have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to your visit without working or accessing public funds. This includes the cost of the return or onward journey, any costs relating to dependants, and the cost of planned activities. Therefore your application is refused under paragraphs V4.2 (a), (c) and (e) of the Immigration Rules.

Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The Decision

I have used all the information provided by you to determine if the requirements of the Immigration Act have been met. In reaching my decision, which has been made on the balance of probabilities, I note the following points:

You have applied for entry clearance to the UK to study the English language for 5 months and 14 days. You have stated that you are employed as a photo editor and earn £11,300 a month from this. As evidence of this you have submitted a letter. However, this does not state that you earn this income but rather 80,000 RUR a month. However, the bank letter and statement do not reflect your income or show where the funds come from and I am therefore not satisfied that you earn the income stated or that these funds are genuinely available to you for your proposed studies in the UK. You have also state that you have a secondary source of income but have provided no evidence of this.

It is not clear from the information you have provided why you want to study the English language now or whether you have sought to study it before in Russia. On your Visa Application Form you have stated that you applied for a visa for Germany in January 2018 to study German but that your application was refused. It is not clear why you only now want to study English rather than German. You are proposing to pay £7500 to study English in the UK. I do not find this to be credible given the information and documents you have submitted.

Taking all the evidence into consideration I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a short-term student (A57C (ix)) or that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the study or at the end of 6 months whichever is sooner (A57D (b)).

I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all of the requirements of the relevant paragraph of the United Kingdom Immigration Rules. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) 4.2 of Appendix V: Immigration Rules for visitors because.

I have noted your sponsor’s circumstances in the UK and his supporting documentation but the onus is on the applicant to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules.

You state it is your intention to travel to the UK for 4.5 months to stay with your partner and then travel with him to the USA for an unspecified duration before returning to Russia. You state you have been a receptionist for an affiliate of ***** since April 2017 and I note an employment letter has been provided. This letter, with a typo in the English translation, does not demonstrate that an extended leave of absence has been granted or indeed that they are aware of your intended leave of absence. The documentation does not establish your future travel plans. As such I am not satisfied that you will have an employment position to return to, or that you intend to depart the UK as stated by you.

I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of 4.2(a) or (c) of Appendix V. Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa as I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2-V4.10 of Appendix V: Immigration Rules for Visitors because:

I recognise that family visits are important. However, under the UK immigration rules, you must show that you qualify for a visa by explaining your own circumstances and the plans you have for your visit. I must assess the information you have provided about yourself separately from your sponsor’s part of your application. In considering your application, I have to consider whether you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit. As part of this, I have to consider the information provided by you about your personal and economic circumstances.

You state that you wish to visit the UK for 21 days accompanied by your daughter and stay with your brother *****. You have submitted a letter of invitation, together with copies of his UK Residence permit and supporting financial documents.

You state that you are married with a dependent child and have been employed full time in Moldova since 02/06/2014.

I have taken into account all the evidence available to me to make an informed decision about your application. Part of that evidence is the information you provided in your application for a visit visa. I am mindful of the fact that you were recently granted a visit visa on 04/07/2017 and that you stated when you applied for the visa on 07/05/2017 that you would stay for 14 days. You have now declared that you stayed in the UK from 18/07/2017 to 01/08/2017, 26/08/2017 to 15/11/2017 and 22/11/2017 to 19/12/2017, a total period of around 4 months. Although you left the UK before your visa expired, you have provided no satisfactory explanation of why you stayed for these extended periods which were longer than you planned to do or how you met your personal, financial and professional commitments back in Moldova while you were away for such a long time.

On balance, this leads me to doubt that the information in your current application is accurate. Because of this, I am not satisfied that you are seeking entry only as a visitor for the length of time you say on this occasion. Therefore I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a period not exceeding 6 months or that you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period as stated by you.

It is your responsibility to satisfy me that your personal circumstances are such that if granted leave to enter, you will comply with all of the conditions attached to any such leave and that you will leave the UK on completion of the proposed visit. On the evidence available to me today I am not satisfied as to your intentions in wishing to travel to the UK. I am not satisfied that you genuinely intend a short visit only to the UK and that you will leave at the end of your visit.

I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all of the requirements of the Immigration Rules. Paragraph V 4.2 (a) and (c). Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The Decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 Appendix V: Immigration Rules for Visitors because:

You have stated that you wish to visit the UK for a period of 15 days accompanying your employer. I note you employed as a nanny and that the child you care for is accompanying you for the duration of the trip.

The Immigration Rules state:
V 4.5 The applicant must not intend to work in the UK, which includes the following:
1. (a) taking employment in the UK;
2. (b) doing work for an organisation or business in the UK;
3. (c) establishing or running a business as a self-employed person;
4. (d) doing a work placement or internship;
5. (e) direct selling to the public;
6. (f) providing goods and services;
7. unless expressly allowed by the permitted activities in Appendices 3, 4 or 5.

I am not satisfied that you will not undertake any prohibited activities set out in V 4.5.

You have provided a bank letter that states you have a bank balance of 1062528.49 RUR (£13,244.90 at the Oanda.com exchange rate 03/04/2018) on 19/03/2018 in account number ending xxxx1689.The documents you have provided do not demonstrate the source of these funds. I am therefore not satisfied that these funds are genuinely available to you.

Considering the above I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor and will leave the UK at the end of your visit. I am also not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry for a purpose permitted by the visitor routes and you will not undertake any of the prohibited activities set out in V4.5 – V4.10. V4.2 (a) (c) and (d).

Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change. In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

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Комментарии (6)

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    Здравствуйте! Я встречаюсь с англичанином 2 года, он приезжал в Россию, мы виделись в Турции и Израиле. Хочу приехать к нему в гости в Англию. Я студентка, подрабатываю неофициально. Скоро окончу университет, но работу не успею найти. Папа пенсионер, мама тоже работает неофициально. Нет возможности подтвердить доход. Мой молодой человек мог бы подписаться как мой спонсор. Это возможно или мой спонсор должен быть обязательно мой родственник? Что лучше сделать в нашем случае? Может, поможет приглашение? Сколько должно быть средств на счету, чтобы оформили британскую визу?

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      Добрый день, Полина! Принимающая сторона в Англии может выступать спонсором поездки. Тогда необходимо приложить справки о доходах вашего молодого человека, документы на недвижимость, подробное приглашение. Но отметим: в этом случае риск отказа в визе возрастает. Получается, что в России у вас нестабильное положение. У вас нет постоянного дохода, вы полностью зависите от молодого человека. Вы не работаете и едете к нему в гости.

      Вероятность того, что вы вернетесь домой очень низкая. Посольство Великобритании настороженно относится к подобным ситуациям. В этом случае лучше сразу оформлять британскую визу невесты – для дальнейшей регистрации брака. Если же вы хотите открыть туристическую категорию, то нужно подтвердить собственное благополучие в РФ. Официальность трудоустройства не имеет значения. Справка с места работы составляется в свободной форме.

      Можно приложить вашу справку и от мамы, пояснить, что у вас общий семейный бюджет с родителями. Выписка из банка должна показать накопления от 100-120 тыс. рублей. Если есть документы на собственность (вашу или родителей), то добавьте их в пакет документов. И не делайте акцент на том, что едете именно в гости. Пусть это будет туристическая поездка с посещением друга. Составьте примерный маршрут с указанием достопримечательностей.

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    Добрый день! Подавала документы на гостевую визу в Великобританию. У подруги состоится свадьба. Приглашение от нее было получено на электронную почту. Все документы подготовлены и представлены. Но был получен отказ, по причине недоказанной близости с подругой. Можно ли что-то сделать для получения визы после отказа по данной причине? И какие документы подтверждают близость с подругой, если не факт приглашения на такое мероприятие?

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      Добрый день, Анастасия! Вероятнее всего, в вашем случае есть и другая причина отказа в британской визе. Очень редко заявителям отказывают из-за недоказанной близости с принимающей стороной. Как правило, для подтверждения реальных отношений аппликанты прикладывают приглашение от друзей/родственников в Британии. Причем это должно быть не просто официальное сообщение в несколько строчек – адрес, телефон, фамилии, имена.

      Приглашение для визы в Великобританию – это подробное письмо с указанием примерных планов на поездку, а также с кратким рассказом о том, как вы познакомились, как поддерживаете контакт, часто ли встречаетесь, когда виделись в последний раз и т.д. Т.е. офицер не должен усомниться в том, что вы действительно друзья. Иногда заявители направляют в Посольство общие фотографии, доказательства совместных путешествий и пр.

      Но все же повторим: редко случаются отказы в визе из-за того, что офицер не поверил в реальность дружбы. Либо это действительно так, и ваши доказательства не были убедительными. Либо есть и другие причины. Например, в вашем финансовом благополучии. Просмотрите справки, полученные с работы и из банка, оцените их объективно. Помните, что низкий доход и/или небольшие накопления могут быть серьезным поводом для отказа.

      Также иногда аппликанты получают отказ из-за принимающей стороны. Возможно, у вашей подруги не все в порядке с историей переезда в Великобританию и/или получением постоянного статуса. Но если вы уверены, что таких проблем нет, и единственная причина – та, что указана в письме об отказе, то можно попытаться получить визу еще раз. Главное – расширить пакет документов и представить ситуацию как можно более убедительно.

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    Здравствуйте! У меня официальное трудоустройство, но зарплату получаю наличными. Банковского счёта нет. Как подтвердить финансовую состоятельность, чтобы не было отказа в британской визе?

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      Добрый день, Анна! Финансовую состоятельность требуется подтвердить документально. Если вы сами спонсируете свою поездку, то вам обязательно нужно подготовить справку о доходе и выписку из банка. Единственная альтернатива – бумаги от спонсора (супруг, родители). Если спонсора нет, то заявитель прикладывает свои документы. Учтите, что официальное трудоустройство не обязательно для Посольства. Более того, для Посольства не имеет значения, как вы устроены на работу. Главное – постоянный доход. Попросите работодателя подготовить подтверждение дохода. Это самая обычная справка о зарплате сотрудника.

      Отметим, что справка с работы для визы в Великобританию составляется в свободной форме. 2-НДФЛ прикладывать не нужно. Достаточно указать фактическую заработную плату, должность, стаж, контактные данные предприятия. В Налоговой службе проверять эти сведения Посольство точно не будет. Но справка с работы обязательна, без нее даже нет смысла обращаться за визой. Это же касается и выписки из банка. Но обращаем внимание: в справке о состоянии счета не должно быть указано, что вы открыли его только что и только что положили деньги. Можно ограничиться информацией о текущем остатке, без детализации.

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